The Tokyo-based space startup company ALE Co., Ltd (henceworth referred to as ALE), led by its CEO Lena Okajima, with the mission to bring space closer to people has been granted a subsidy within the Industrial Technology Practical Development Project.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is providing this subsidy to support the on-orbit verification of space parts and components in order to promote the sustainable development of the domestic space equipment industry. Three companies including ALE were selected as a result of the public offering.
ALE aims to use this subsidy to demonstrate the electro-dynamic tether (hereinafter referred to as EDT) being jointly developed with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (hereinafter referred to as JAXA). This EDT is expected as one of the effective measures to counter space debris proliferation,
that Japan has set as a priority. By installing this EDT in advance on the satellites and rockets that will be launched in the future, it will be possible to lower their orbit after the mission and make them enter Earth's atmosphere. This type of post-mission disposal (PMD) technique will prevent the generation of new space debris.
ALE will use this grant to obtain EDT demonstration opportunities, learn from flight experiences and demonstrate on-orbit and result analysis verification as well as accelerate the marketing of the EDT technology.
* Subsidy details and selection results
(Jump to the page of General Incorporated Environmental Co-creation Initiative, which is the subsidized execution organization)
* ALE press release on conductive tether (EDT)
* JAXA press release regarding tie-up with ALE (J-SPARC) in EDT development
【About ALE】
ALE’s mission is to “Make Space closer. For all of us. Together.” With our innovation and technology ALE strives to fulfill the endless curiosity of us humans, and to advance the development of science as well as grow space business that will enrich our daily lives.
Company Name: ALE Co., Ltd
Address : 2-21-1Kawamoto Building 2nd floor Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo
CEO : Lena Okajima
Established :Sept. 1, 2011
Business Overview :Space Entertainment Business ”Sky Canvas”, Data analysis of the upper atmosphere layers during reentry, development of microsatellite technologies